Record Numbers of Americans Enrolling in Obamacare

Preliminary data released by the Biden administration on Wednesday reveals that over 15 million individuals have enrolled in health insurance plans offered on the Affordable Care Act’s federal marketplace, marking a 33 percent increase from last year.

Federal health officials anticipate that the current enrollment period will see a surge, with a projected 2024 coverage enrollment of more than 19 million individuals, including those obtaining coverage through state marketplaces.

Xavier Becerra,

The health and human services secretary, highlighted the significance of this surge, emphasizing that it provides Americans with the peace of mind of knowing that seeking medical care will not lead to financial strain.
The expansion of the Affordable Care Act is underscored by its recent surge in marketplace enrollment, despite former President Donald J. Trump’s indication of exploring alternatives.

Federal subsidies were increased during the Covid-19 pandemic, reducing costs for many Americans, while the Biden administration extended the sign-up period, boosted program advertising, and provided additional funding for navigators assisting with enrollment.

Cynthia Cox,

The director of the Program on the Affordable Care Act at KFF, a nonprofit health policy research group, highlighted the increasing awareness among individuals about their ability to join the marketplace.

She emphasized that despite the longevity of the A.C.A., many people in need of coverage may still lack knowledge about the enrollment process.

A remarkable statistic revealed that on December 15, close to 750,000 individuals selected a marketplace plan on, marking the highest single-day enrollment to date.

Dr. Benjamin Sommers,

A health economist at Harvard who previously served in the Biden administration, attributed the surge in sign-ups to enhanced outreach efforts, expressing his pleasant surprise at the record-breaking numbers.

New policy,

Kody Kinsley, North Carolina’s top health official, explained that with several years of increased subsidies, it’s possible that the current growth rate could be the natural progression within a new policy environment.

He also mentioned that the state has taken an innovative approach by using its Medicaid expansion efforts to enroll people in marketplace plans.

Kinsley highlighted the comprehensive educational and outreach campaign involving civic organizations, churches, and navigators to inform individuals about their eligibility for expansion.


Additionally, he noted that they provide support for individuals to obtain coverage through the marketplace if they do not qualify for Medicaid.

Sign-ups will remain open for nearly a month, with the open-enrollment period extending until mid-January, concluding at 5 a.m. Eastern time on Jan. 17. Individuals who enroll by this deadline will secure coverage beginning in February.

Officials from the Biden administration are urging current enrollees to explore alternative plans in order to potentially find options that are more beneficial and affordable.

The Affordable Care Act’s marketplaces have proven to be crucial for individuals who lost Medicaid coverage after a federal policy guaranteeing coverage lapsed in April, particularly amidst the challenges posed by the pandemic earlier this year.

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